1. M. Aagaard and M. Leeser. Verifying a logic synthesis tool in Nuprl. In G. Bochmann and D. Probst, editors, Participants copy of Proceedings of Workshop on Computer-Aided. Verification, pages 72–83. Springer-Verlag, June 1992. To appear by Springer-Verlag, 1993.
2. S. Abramsky. Computational interpretations of linear logic. TCS, 1992. To appear.
3. W. Aitken and R. C. Constable. Reflecting on Nuprl Lessons 1–4. Technical report, Cornell University, Computer Science Dept., 1992. To appear.
4. S. Allen, R. Constable, D. Howe, and W. Aitken. The semantics of reflected proof. Proc. of Fifth Symp. on Logic in Comp. Sci., IEEE, pages 95–197, June 1990.
5. S. F. Allen. A non-type-theoretic definition of Martin-Löf's types. Proc. of Second Symp. on Logics in Computer Science, IEEE, pages 215–224., June 1987.