1. Bernot G., Bidoit M. Proving the correctness of algebraically specified software: Modularity and Observability issues. Proc. of AMAST-2, Second Conference of Algebraic Methodology and Software Technology, Iowa City, Iowa, USA, May 1991.
2. Bernot G., Bidoit M., Choppy C. Abstract data types with exception handling: an initial approach based on a distinction between exceptions and errors. Theoretical Computer Science, Vol.46, n.1, pp.13–45, Elsevier Science Pub. B.V. (North-Holland), November 1986. (Also LRI Report 251, Orsay, Dec. 1985.)
3. Bernot G. Une sémantique algébrique pour une spécification différenciée des exceptions et des erreurs: application à l'implémentation et aux primitives de structuration des spécifications formelles. Thèse de troisième cycle, Université de Paris-Sud, Orsay, February 1986.
4. Bernot G., Le Gall P. Label algebras: a systematic use of terms. “8th International Workshop on Abstract Data Types”, Dourdan, August 1991. LNCS 655 p 144–163. (also LRI Report 719, Orsay, Dec. 1991.)
5. Bernot G., Le Gall P. Label algebras and exception handling. Draft Version (also in Habilitation Thesis of Bernot G., University of Orsay, Paris XI, Feb. 1992.)