1. LWV, League of Women Voters Education Fund, A Nuclear Power Primer: Issues for Citizens, ISBN 0-89959-290-2, Washington D.C., 1982.
2. LWV, League of Women Voters Education Fund, The Nuclear Waste Primer—A Handbook for Citizens, Nick Lyons Books, NY, NY., 1985.
3. NIST, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Radioactivity Standard Reference Material Catalog, Gaithersburg, MD., 1995.
4. ISO, International Organization of Standards, International Vocabulary of Basic and General Terms in Metrology, Second ed., Geneva, Switzerland, 1993.
5. W. S. Liggett, K. G. W. Inn, J. M. R. Hutchinson, Statistical Assessment of Subsampling Procedures, Environment International, 10 (1984) 143.