1. Heller, G. S. and M. M. Campbell, The Completely Filled Rectangular Resonator, MIT Lincoln Lab. Quart. Progr. Rept. on Solid State Electronics, 1955.
2. Heller, G. S., L'Onde Electrique 38 (1958) 588.
3. Bussey, H. E. and L. A. Steinert, Proc. IRE 45 (1957) 693.
4. Lax, B. and K. J. Button, Microwave Ferrites and Ferrimagnetics, McGraw-Hill, (1962) 415–417.
5. Lax, B. and K. J. Button. Microwave Ferrites and Ferriemagneties, Mc-Graw-Hill (1962) 322–335.