1. M. E. Brown andB. V. Stewart, J. Thermal Analysis, 2 (1970) 287.
2. L. Erdey, S. Gál andG. Liptay, Talanta, 11 (1964) 913.
3. M. E. Brown andB. V. Stewart, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Thermal Analysis, Davos, Switzerland, 1971; Thermal Analysis (Ed. H.G. Wiedemann), BirkhÄuser, Basel-Stuttgart, 1972, Vol. 2., p. 313.
4. W. E. Garner, Chemistry of the Solid State. Butterworths, London 1955, Chapter 8.
5. D. A. Young, Decomposition of Solids. Pergamon, London 1966, Chapter 3.