1. Code (1966) = International Code of botanical nomenclature 1966.—Regnum Veget., Utrecht, 46: 1–402.
2. Dandy, J. E. (1967): Index of generic names of vascular plants 1753–1774.—Regnum Veget., Utrecht, 51: 1–130.
3. Dandy, J. E. (1969): Nomenclatural changes in the “List of British vascular plants”.—Watsonia, London, 7: 157–178.
4. Merill, E. D. (1949): Index Rafinesquianus.—Jamaica Plain, Massachussetts.
5. Raven, P. H. (1962a): The genusEpilobium in the Himalayan region.—Bull. Brit. Mus., Nat. Hist., Bot., London, 2: 325–382.