1. Anderson, R. R., V. Carter, and J. McGinness. 1973. Applications of ERTS to coastal wetland ecology with special reference to plant community mapping and impact of man. Pages 1225–1242in Proc. 3rd ERTS Symp. Washington, D.C.
2. Anderson, R. R., and F. J. Wobber. 1973. Wetlands mapping in New Jersey. Photogram. Eng. 39(4): 353–358.
3. Bankston, P. T. 1975. Remote sensing applications in the state of Mississippi. Pages 282–290in Proc. NASA Earth Resources Survey Symp., Vol. II–B. Houston, Texas.
4. Bartlett, D.S. 1979. Spectral reflectance of tidal wetland plant canopies and implications for remote sensing. Ph.D. Diss., University of Delaware. 239 pp.
5. Bartlett, D. S., V. Klemas, O. W. Crichton, and G. R. Davis. 1976. Low-cost aerial photographic inventory of tidal wetlands. University of Delaware, College of Marine Studies, Center for Remote Sensing. CRS-2-76, 29 pp.