1. Irvine, T. F., Jr., The Influence of Radiation on Convection in Noncircular Ducts, ASME Paper No. 58-A-155, 1958.
2. Irvine, T. F., Jr., R. P. Stein and H. A. Simon, The Influence of Radiation on Convection in a Flat Duct (in preparation).
3. Tribus, M. and J. Klein, Forced Convection from Nonisothermal Surfaces, Heat Transfer Symposium, University of Michigan Press, 1953, p. 211.
4. Hartnett, J. P., E. R. G. Eckert, R. Birkebak aSd R. L. Sampson, Simplified Procedures for the Calculation of Heat Transfer to Surfaces with Non-Uniform Temperatures, WADC TR 56–373, ASTIA Doc. No. AD 110450, Dec. 1956.
5. Grosh, R. J. and R. D. Cess, Trans. Amer. Soc. Mech. Engrs 80 (1958) 667.