1. Gordon-Manley,The Mean Temperature of Central England, 1698–1952. Roy. Meteorol. Soc. Quart. J.79, 242 (1953).
2. C.E.P. Brooks,Climate Through the Ages, 2nd ed. (Benn, London, 1949), p. 309.
3. C.E.P. Brooks,The Climate of the First Half of the Eighteenth Century, Roy. Meteorol. Soc. Quart. J.56, 389 (1930).
4. C. Easton,Les hivers dans l'Europe occidentale (Ed. E. T. Brill, Leyde, 1928).
5. C. I. H. Speerschneider,Om isforholdene i Danske farvande i œldre og nyere tid, aarene 690–1860, Copenhagen, Dansk Meteorologisk Institut, Medd. No. 2, 1915.