1. Ju. I. Manin, Rational points on algebraic curves over function fields (in Russian), Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR Ser. Mat., 27 (1963), 1395–1440. English: AMS Translations, Ser. 2, 50 (1966), 189–234.
2. Ju. I. Manin, Correspondences, motives and monoidal transformations (in Russian), Mat. Sb., 77 (1968), 475–507; English: Math USSR-Sb., 6 (1968).
3. V. A. Iskovskih and Ju. I. Manin, Three-dimensional quartics and counterexamples to the Lüroth problem (in Russian), Mat. Sb. (N.S.), 86(128) (1971), 140–166. English: Math. USSR-Sbornik, 15 (1972), 141–166.
4. Y. I. Manin, Le groupe de Brauer–Grothendieck en géométrie diophantienne, Actes du Congr. International des Mathmaticiens 1 (Nice, 1970), Gauthier-Villars (Paris, 1971), pp. 401–411.
5. J. Franke, Yu. I. Manin and Yu. Tschinkel, Rational points of bounded height on Fano varieties, Invent. Math., 95 (1989), 421–435.