1. C. G. Kuczynski,Trans. AIME 185 (1949) 169.
2. P. F. Stablein, Jr andG. C. Kuczynski, Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Reactivity of Solids, Amsterdam (Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1960) p. 91.
3. P. G. Stablein, Jr andG. C. Kuczynski,Acta Met. 11 (1963) 1327.
4. T. L. Wilson andP. G. Shewmon,Trans. AIME 236 (1966) 48.
5. A. L. Pranatis andL. L. Siegle, ?Powder Metallurgy?, edited by W. Leszynski (Interscience, New York, 1961).