1. W. Grey Walter, in: Deep Structures of the Human Brain under Normal and Pathological Conditions [Russian translation], Nauka, Moscow-Leningrad (1966), p. 164.
2. T. B. Shvets, Abstracts of Proceedings of the 2nd All-Union Conference on Electrophysiology of the Central Nervous System [in Russian], Moscow (1958), p. 138.
3. T. B. Shvets, Trudy Inst. Vyssh. Nerv. Deyat., Ser. Fiziol.,4, 104 (1960).
4. T. B. Shvets, Abstracts of Proceedings of the 6th All-Union Conference on Electrophysiology of the Central Nervous System [in Russian], Leningrad (1971), p. 290.
5. T. B. Shvets, Abstracts of Proceedings of the 23rd Conference on Problems in Higher Nervous Activity [in Russian], Vol. 1, Gor'kii (1972), p. 266.