1. Pakkiriswamy Aadaleesan and Prabirkumar Saha. A Nash game approach to mixed H
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2. Pakkiriswamy Aadaleesan and Prabirkumar Saha. A Nash game approach to mixed H
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3. P. Aadaleesan, N. Miglani, R. Sharma, P. Saha. Nonlinear system identification using Wiener type Laguerre-Wavelet network model. Chemical Engineering Science, vol.63, no. 15, pp. 3932–3941, 2008.
4. P. Aadaleesan. Nash game based mixed H
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5. A. Pakkirisamy, P. Saha. Output feedback mixed H
∞ model predictive control: Observer based approach. In Proceedings of Annual Meeting of American Institute of Chemical Engineers, Salt Lake City, USA, 2010.