1. C. P. Moeller, R. Prater, A. C. Riviere,et al. (1987).Proceedings of the 6th Joint Workshop on Electron Cyclotron Emission and Electron Cyclotron Resonance Heating, Oxford, Culham Report CLM-ECR, p. 355.
2. M. Bornatici,et al. (1983).Nucl. Fusion,23, 1153.
3. R. Prater (1985).Course and Workshop on Applications of RF Waves to Tokamak Plasmas (International School of Plasma Physics, Italy), p. 354.
4. A. C. Riviere (1987).Applications of Radio-Frequency Power to Plasmas: Seventh Topical Conference, Kissimmee, FL, 1987 (American Institute of Physics, New York), p. 1.
5. A. H. Kritz, H. Hsuan, R. C. Goldfinger, and D. B. Batchelor (1982).Proceedings of the 3rd Joint Varenna-Grenoble International Symposium on Heating in Toroidal Plasmas, Grenoble, Euratom Report EUR7979EN, II, 707 (this code was extended to noncircular tokamaks by G. R. Smith and others of Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory).