1. K. Ajdukiewicz, Die syntaktische Konnexit�t, Studia Philosophica, Leopoli, (1935), pp. 1?27 (English translation: Syntactic connection, in: Polish Logic (ed. Mc Call), Oxford, 1967).
2. Y. Bar-Hillel, A quasi-arithmetical notation for syntactic description, Language 29, (1953), pp. 47?58 (reprinted in: Language and Information, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company Reading, Mass., 1964, pp. 61?74).
3. Y. Bar-Hillel, Indexical expressions, Mind 63 (1954), pp. 359?379 (reprinted in: Aspects of Language, Jerusalem, 1970, pp. 69?88).
4. Y. Bar-Hillel, G. Gaifman and E. Shamir, On categorial and phrase structure grammars, Bulletin of the Research Council of Israel 9F, (1960), pp. 1?16 (reprinted in: Language and Information, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company Reading, Mass., 1964, pp. 99?115).
5. T. Bat�g, The Axiomatic Method in Phonology, Routledge and Kegan Paul LTD, London, 1967.