1. Rania Antonopoulos (2009), “The Unpaid Care Work—Paid Work Connection”, Policy Integration and Statistics Department, International Labour Office (ILO), Geneva.
2. Rania Antonopoulos (2011), “The Current Economic and Financial Crisis: A Gender Perspective—Macro-economics and Gender”, Summary of a larger paper presented at an event co-sponsored by the Heinrich Böll Foundation North America, the Center of Concern, and the Institute for Women’s Policy Research (IWPR), Global South, Palgrave, UK, 22 April 2009.
3. Rania Antonopoulos (2013a), “From Safety Nets to Economic Empowerment: Is There Space to Promote Gender Equality in the Evolution of Social Protection?,” Economics Public Policy Brief Archive ppb_128, The Levy Economics Institute of Bard College, New York.
4. Rania Antonopoulos (2013b), “Expanding Social Protection in Developing Countries: A Gender Perspective”, Economics Working Paper Archive wp_757, The Levy Economics Institute of Bard College, New York.
5. Rania Antonopoulos (ed.) (2014), Gender Perspectives and Gender Impacts of the Global Economic Crisis, Feminist Economics, Vol. 21, No. 4, pp. 206–221, Routledge, New York.