1. R. S. Rivlin and A. G. Thomas,J. Polym. Sci.,10, 291 (1953).
2. J. R. Rice,Fracture, an advance treatise, Vol. 2, Ed. by H. Leibowitz, Academic Press, New York, P.192, 1979.
3. C. E. Turner,Post-yield fracture mechanics, Ed. by D. G. H.Latzko, Applied Science Publishers Ltd., London, P.23, 1979.
4. G. G. Chell,Developments in fracture mechanics-1, Ed. by G. G. Chell, Applied Science Publishers Ltd., London, P.67, 1979.
5. J. D. Landes and J. A. Begley,Post-yield fracture mechanics, Ed. by D. G. H. Latzko, Applied Science Publishers Ltd., London, P.211, 1979.