AbstractManagement of pediatric head trauma requires a delicate balance between accuracy and safety, with a dual emphasis on prompt diagnosis while minimizing radiation exposure. Ultrasonography (US) shows promise in this regard. A case study involving a 10-month-old infant with acute right parietal swelling revealed the utility of US in detecting a corresponding hypoechoic lesion, along with an underlying suspected fracture line of the vault and subdural hematoma. Subsequent CT confirmed the fracture, while MRI confirmed the subdural hematoma. At one-month follow-up, MRI demonstrated hematoma reabsorption, while US revealed a bone callus in its advanced phase. Although US is not yet standard practice for pediatric head trauma, its ability to detect fractures in infants suggests its potential role: when a fracture is evident on US, it may serve as an indication to perform neuroimaging. Potentially, adoption of US could contribute to mitigation of children’s exposure to ionizing radiation.
Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia
Springer Science and Business Media LLC