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2. Chipens, G.; Ievina, N.; Veretennikova, N.; Vegners, R.; Rosenthal, G.: A model for the tetine system of immunoregulation; in Conf. on Mechanisms of Immunoregulation. (abstracts), Kiev 1985, pp. 262–263 (in Russian).
3. Chipens, G.; Ancans, J.; Biseniece, D.: The location and steric structure of active sites and fragments of immunoglobulin molecules, in Peptides 1984. Proc. 18th Eur. Peptide Symp., Djurönäset, Sweden 1984, p. 173 (Almquist & Wiksell, Stockholm 1984).
4. Chipens, G.; Krikis, A.; Papsuevich, O.: Functionally active regions of interferon molecules. 5th USSR-FRG Symposium on Peptide and Protein Chemistry (abstracts), Odessa 1985, pp. 56–57.
5. Chipens, G.; Ancans, J.; Biseniece, D.: The location and steric structure of active sites and fragments of immunoglobulin molecules: in Peptides 1984. Proc. 18th Eur. Peptide Symp., Djurönäset, Sweden 1984, pp. 469–472 (Almqvist & Wiksell, Stockholm 1984).