1. Dept National Development, 1967. Surface Water Resources. Dept Nat. Devel., Canberra. 24 pp.
2. Kalinin, G. P., 1971. Global Hydrology. Israel Program for Scientific Translations.
3. McMahon, T. A., 1973. Low flow hydrology of Australian streams. In Proceedings of the University Seminar on Pollution and Water Resources, Columbia Univ., New Jersey Dept Environ. Protection, Bureau of Geol., Topog. Bull. 72-D: 1?28.
4. McMahon, T. A., 1979. Hydrological characteristics of arid zones. Proceedings of the Canberra Symposium, December 1979; IAHS-AISH Publ. no. 128: 105?123.
5. A six-volume report with addendum and guide published jointly by the Hydrological Research Unit of the Univ. of the Witwatersrand;D. C. Midgley,1983