1. Herstein, I.: Noncommutative Rings. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (2005)
2. Jelisiejew, J.: On commutativity of ideal extensions. Commun. Algebra 44(5), 1931–1940 (2016)
3. Lambek, J.: Lectures on Rings and Modules. AMS Chelsea Publishing, Providence (2009)
4. Markov V.T., Tuganbaev A.A.: Centrally Essential Rings [Russian], Diskretnaya Matematika, vol. 30, no. 2, pp. 55–61 (2018a) (see the English translation in [4]; also see Discrete Mathematics and Applications (to appear))
5. Markov, V.T., Tuganbaev, A.A.: Centrally essential group algebras. J. Algebra 518, 109–118 (2018b)