On the foundation principles of general classical mechanics


Beatty Millard F.


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Mechanical Engineering,Mathematics (miscellaneous),Analysis

Reference14 articles.

1. Noll, W., The Foundations of Classical Mechanics in the Light of Recent Advances in Continuum Mechanics. Proceedings of the Berkeley Symposium on the Axiomatic Method, p. 266–281, 1958. This paper summarizes a more extensive development; On the Foundation of the Mechanics of Continuous Media. Carnegie Institute of Technology Tech. Rpt. 17, Air Force Office of Scientific Research 1957. Other parts of this report may be found in A mathematical theory of the mechanical behavior of continuous media. Arch. Rational Mech. Anal. 2, 197–226 (1958).

2. Noll, W., La mécanique classique, basée sur un axiome d'objectivité. La méthode axiomatique dans les mécaniques classiques et nouvelles, p. 47–56, Paris 1963.

3. Truesdell, C., & W. Noll, The Non-Linear Field Theories of Mechanics. Flügge's Handbuch der Physik, III/3. Berlin-Heidelberg-New York: Springer 1965.

4. Noll, W., Euclidean geometry and Minkowskian chronometry. Am. Math. Mon. 71, 129–144 (1964).

5. Truesdell, C., The Modern Spirit in Applied Mathematics. International Council of Scientific Unions Review 6, 195–205 (1964).

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