1. A 201-item annotated bibliography has recently been prepared by the author. See C. E. P. Brooks, “Selective Annotated Bibliography on Climatic Changes.” Meteor. Abstr. & Bibliogr., 1.: 446–475 (1951).
2. Ahlmann, H. W. Son, “Glaciological Research on the North Atlantic Coasts.” R. geogr. Soc., Res. Ser., No. 1 (1948).
3. Arldt, T., Handbuch der Palaeogeographie, 2 Bde. leipzig, Gebr. Borntraeger, 1919.
4. Bradley, W. H., “The Varves and Climate of the Green River Epoch.” U. S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Pap. 158 E, pp. 87–110 (1929).
5. Brooks, C. E. P., Climate Through the Ages, 2nd (revised) ed. London, Benn, 1949.