1. Abruzzese, M. G., 1951: Climate and architecture, selected references. Housing & Home Finance Agency, Off. of the Administrator, Div. of Housing Research, Washington, 20 pp.
2. Air Hygiene Foundation of America, Inc., 1937, 1938: Concentrations of volatile sulphur compounds in atmospheric air. Special Series Bull. no. 1, pt. 1, Pittsburgh, Pa.; Ibid., pt. 2, Pittsburgh, Pa.
3. Amelung, W. and H. Landsberg, 1934: Kernzählungen in Freiluft und Zimmerluft. Biokl. Beibl., 1 (2), 49–53.
4. American Association for Nurserymen, 1950: Ten ways to control the climate around your house. Washington, 6 pp.
5. American Society of Heating and Ventilating Engineers, 1951: Heating, ventilating, air conditioning guide Vol. 29, New York.