1. ABBOTT, P.D. (1952), “Tuberculosis Mortality Rates of Native-born White Australians and Migrants, 1910–12, 1920–22, 1932–34 and 1946–48”, Medical Journal of Australia, 1: 476–479.
2. ALDERSON, M. (1981), International Mortality Statistics, Macmillan Press, London and Basingstoke.
3. ARMSTRONG, B.K., W00DINGS, T.L., STENHOUSE, N.S. and McCALL, M.G. (1983), Mortality from Cancer in Migrants to Australia, 1962 to 1971, National Health and Medical Research Council, Research Unit in Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine, University of Western Australia.
4. AUSTRALIAN BUREAU OF STATISTICS (1983), Causes of Death, Australia, 1982, Catalogue no.3303.0, Canberra (and earlier years).
5. BURVILL, P.W., McCALL, M.G., STENHOUSE, N.S. and REID, T.A. (1973), “Deaths from Suicide, Motor Vehicle Accidents and All Forms of Violent Death among Migrants in Australia 1962–66”, Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 49: 28–50.