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2. F. Bethuel: Un résultat de régularité pour les solutions de l'équation des surfaces à courbure moyenne prescrite, C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris314, 1003–1007 (1992)
3. F. Bethuel, H. Brezis, J.M. Coron: Relaxed energies for harmonic maps. In: H. Berestycki, J.M. Coron and J. Ekeland (eds.) Variational Methods. Basel: Birkhäuser 1990
4. F. Bethuel, H. Brezis, F. Hélein: Ginzburg-Landau Vortices. Boston, Birkhäuser (to appear)
5. F. Bethuel, J.M. Coron, F. Demengel, F. Hélein: A cohomological criterion for density of smooth maps in Sobolev spaces between two manifolds. In: J.M. Coron, J.M. Ghidaglia, F. Hélein (eds.) Nematics, Actes du Congrés Orsay 1990 Kluwer 1991