1. Benjamin W. Haynes et al., “Pacific Manganese Nodules: Characterization and Processing,” U.S. Bureau of Mines B679 (1985).
2. Benjamin W. Haynes and Michael J. Magyar, “Analysis and Metallurgy of Manganese Nodules and Crusts,” Marine Minerals, (1987), pp. 235–245.
3. Akihiko Okada and Makoto Shima, “Study on the Manganese Nodules (XIII),” Sci. Papers I.P.C.R., 74 (3)(1980), pp. 93–104.
4. Paul H. Cardwell, “Extractive Metallurgy of Ocean Nodules,” Mining Congress Journal (November 1973), pp. 38–43.
5. Cale L. Hubred, “Manganese Nodule Extractive Metallurgy Review 1973–1978,” Marine Mining, 2 (3) (1980), pp. 191–212.