1. "The Formal Definition of Ada Dynamic Semantics", Deliverables 15 and 16 of the CEC MAP project: The Draft Formal Definition of ANSI/MIL-STD 1815A Ada.
2. Astesiano, E., Giovini, A., Inverardi, P., Mazzanti, F., Reggio, G. and Zucca, E. "Final Specification Language", Deliverable 9 of the CEC MAP project: The Draft Formal Definition of ANSI/MIL-STD 1815A Ada.
3. Astesiano, E., Giovini, A., Mazzanti, F., Reggio, G. and Zucca, E. "The Ada Challenge for new Formal Semantic Techniques". Proc. Ada-Europe Conference, Edinburgh, (1986).
4. Astesiano, E. and Reggio, G. "A Syntax-Directed Approach to the Semantics of Concurrent Languages". Proc. 10th IFIP Wold Congress, Dublin, (1986), pp.571–576.
5. Fantechi, A., Gnesi, S., Inverardi, P., Mazzanti, F., "Feasibility of a mapping from the Ada Formal Definition to the NYU SETL Interpreter for Ada", Deliverable 30 of the CEC MAP project: The Draft Formal Definition of ANSI/MIL-STD 1815A Ada.