Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Reference30 articles.
1. K. Alladi, The distribution of ν(n) in the sieve of Eratosthenes, Quart. J. Math. Oxford (2), 33 (1982), pp. 129–148.
2. K. Alladi, The Turán-Kubilius inequality for integers without large prime factors. Jour. fur die Reine und Ang. Math., 335 (1982), pp. 180–196.
3. K. Alladi, A study of the moments of additive functions using Laplace transforms and sieve methods, in Proc. 4th Matscience Number Th. Conf., Octacamund, India, Springer Lecture Notes 1122 (1985), pp. 1–37.
4. K. Alladi, Moments of additive functions and the sequence of shifted primes, Pacific J. Math., 118 (1985), pp. 261–275.
5. K. Alladi, An Erdös-Kac theorem for integers without large prime factors, Acta Arithmetica, 49 (1987), pp. 81–105.