Efficiently Approximating Vertex Cover on Scale-Free Networks with Underlying Hyperbolic Geometry


Bläsius Thomas,Friedrich Tobias,Katzmann MaximilianORCID


AbstractFinding a minimum vertex cover in a network is a fundamental NP-complete graph problem. One way to deal with its computational hardness, is to trade the qualitative performance of an algorithm (allowing non-optimal outputs) for an improved running time. For the vertex cover problem, there is a gap between theory and practice when it comes to understanding this trade-off. On the one hand, it is known that it is NP-hard to approximate a minimum vertex cover within a factor of $$\sqrt{2}$$ 2 . On the other hand, a simple greedy algorithm yields close to optimal approximations in practice. A promising approach towards understanding this discrepancy is to recognize the differences between theoretical worst-case instances and real-world networks. Following this direction, we narrow the gap between theory and practice by providing an algorithm that efficiently computes nearly optimal vertex cover approximations on hyperbolic random graphs; a network model that closely resembles real-world networks in terms of degree distribution, clustering, and the small-world property. More precisely, our algorithm computes a $$(1 + o(1))$$ ( 1 + o ( 1 ) ) -approximation, asymptotically almost surely, and has a running time of $${\mathcal {O}}(m \log (n))$$ O ( m log ( n ) ) . The proposed algorithm is an adaptation of the successful greedy approach, enhanced with a procedure that improves on parts of the graph where greedy is not optimal. This makes it possible to introduce a parameter that can be used to tune the trade-off between approximation performance and running time. Our empirical evaluation on real-world networks shows that this allows for improving over the near-optimal results of the greedy approach.


Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Applied Mathematics,Computer Science Applications,General Computer Science

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