Reconfiguring Shortest Paths in Graphs


Gajjar Kshitij,Jha Agastya Vibhuti,Kumar Manish,Lahiri Abhiruk


AbstractReconfiguring two shortest paths in a graph means modifying one shortest path to the other by changing one vertex at a time so that all the intermediate paths are also shortest paths. This problem has several natural applications, namely: (a) repaving road networks, (b) rerouting data packets in a synchronous multiprocessing setting, (c) the shipping container stowage problem, and (d) the train marshalling problem. When modelled as graph problems, (a) is the most general case while (b), (c), (d) are restrictions to different graph classes. We show that (a) does not admit polynomial-time algorithms (assuming $${{\,\mathrm{\texttt {P}}\,}}\ne {{\,\mathrm{\texttt {NP}}\,}}$$ P NP ), even for relaxed variants of the problem (assuming $${{\,\mathrm{\texttt {P}}\,}}\ne {{\,\mathrm{\texttt {PSPACE}}\,}}$$ P PSPACE ). For (b), (c), (d), we present polynomial-time algorithms to solve the respective problems. We also generalize the problem to when at most k (for a fixed integer $$k\ge 2$$ k 2 ) contiguous vertices on a shortest path can be changed at a time.


H2020 European Research Council

Faculty of Science, National University of Singapore

Rita Altura Trust Chair

Lynne and William Frankel Center for Computer Science

Israel Science Foundation

Ministerstvo Školství, Mládeže a Tělovýchovy

Charles University


Springer Science and Business Media LLC

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