1. J. Rifkin, The Hydrogen Economy, Tarcher, USA (2002).
2. Next Generation Vehicle Promotion Center, Trends in Infrastructure, Next Generation Vehicle Promotion Center, https://www.cev-pc.or.jp/english/infrastructure.html.
3. H2 Mobility, Filling up with H2, H2 Mobility, https://h2.live/en/tankstellen/.
4. US Department of Energy, Hydrogen Fueling Station Locations, US Department of Energy, USA, https://afdc.energy.gov/fuels/hydrogen_locations.html#/find/nearest?fuel=HY.
5. Ministry of the Interior and Safety, Korea Gas Corporation Hydrogen Charging Station Status, Ministry of the Interior and Safety, Korea, https://www.data.go.kr/data/15098704/fileData.do (in Korean).