1. USSR Patent No. 1836087,Byull. Otkryt. Izobret., No. 31 (1993).
2. USSR Patent No. 1834660,Byull. Otkryt. Izobret., No. 30 (1993).
3. A. Z. Abyshev, G. I. Nezhinskaya, and K. Ch. Melikov,Abstracts of Papers. The 17th Int. Congr. of Chemotherapy, Berlin (1991), p. 1448.
4. A. Z. Abyshev and E. V. Semenov,Abstracts of Papers. Russian Sci. Conf. “Creation of Drugs” [in Russian], Moscow (1992), p. 5l.
5. A. Z. Abyshev.Abstracts of Papers. All-Russia Sci. Conf. “Chemistry and Tecxhnology of Drugs ” [in Russian], St. Petersburg, (1994), p. 38.