�ber zwei Probleme bez�glich konvexer K�rper von P. Erd�s und von V. L. Klee


Danzer L.,Gr�nbaum B.


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


General Mathematics

Reference10 articles.

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5. Halberg Jr., C. J. A., E. Levin andE. G. Straus: On contiguous congruent sets in Euclidean space. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.10, 335?344 (1959).

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2. Equilateral dimension of the Heisenberg group;Geometriae Dedicata;2023-05-12

3. On the Cardinality of Sets in $R^d$ Obeying a Slightly Obtuse Angle Bound;SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics;2022-04-27

4. Equilateral polygons in a Euclidean space and on deformed spheres via Fadell-Husseini index;Topology and its Applications;2022-02

5. On k-diametral point configurations in Minkowski spaces;Discrete Mathematics;2022-02








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