New scenarios in secondary hyperparathyroidism: etelcalcetide. Position paper of working group on CKD-MBD of the Italian Society of Nephrology


Bellasi Antonio,Cozzolino Mario,Malberti Fabio,Cancarini Giovanni,Esposito Ciro,Guastoni Carlo Maria,Ondei Patrizia,Pontoriero Giuseppe,Teatini Ugo,Vezzoli Giuseppe,Pasquali Marzia,Messa Piergiorgio,Locatelli FrancescoORCID


AbstractBone mineral abnormalities (defined as Chronic Kidney Disease Mineral Bone Disorder; CKD-MBD) are prevalent and associated with a substantial risk burden and poor prognosis in CKD population. Several lines of evidence support the notion that a large proportion of patients receiving maintenance dialysis experience a suboptimal biochemical control of CKD-MBD. Although no study has ever demonstrated conclusively that CKD-MBD control is associated with improved survival, an expanding therapeutic armamentarium is available to correct bone mineral abnormalities. In this position paper of Lombardy Nephrologists, a summary of the state of art of CKD-MBD as well as a summary of the unmet clinical needs will be provided. Furthermore, this position paper will focus on the potential and drawbacks of a new injectable calcimimetic, etelcalcetide, a drug available in Italy since few months ago.


Springer Science and Business Media LLC



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