1. The ATM Forum, “The ATM Forum Traffic Management Specification”, v.4.0, 1996.
2. L. Hu, Y. Kim, and W. Tsai, “An Oscillation Reducing Rate-based Protocol based on Multiple Time Scale for ABR Flow Control”, IEEE SICON '98, Singapore, July 1998. Also available from http://www.eng.uci.edu/~netrol.
3. A. Arulambalam, X. Chen, and N. Ansari, “Allocating Fair Rates for Available Bit Rate Service in ATM Networks”, IEEE Comm. Mag., Nov. 1996.
4. K. Siu and H. Tzeng, “Intelligent Congestion Control for ABR Service in ATM Networks”, ACM SIGCOMM, Comp. Commun. Rev., Oct. 1996, pp.81–106.
5. L. Roberts, “Enhanced PRCA (Proportional Rate-Control Algorithm)”, ATMF 94-0735R1, Aug. 1994.