1. CAB International (2005) Crop protection compendium, 2005 edition. CAB International, Wallingford. www.cabicompendium.org/cpc (selected texts for Maruca vitrata). http://www.runetwork.de/html/fr/articles/document.html?Action=displayDocument&id=8752
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4. Katayama J, Suzuki I (1984) Seasonal prevalence of pod borers [Ostrinia scapulalis, Maruca testulalis and Matsumuraeses sp.] in azuki-beans and injury caused by larval infestation. Bull Kyoto Prefect Inst Agric 12:27–34
5. Ke LD, Fang JL, Li ZJ (1985) Bionomics and control of the legume pod-borer Maruca testulalis Geyer. Acta Entomol Sin 28(1):51–59