1. S.S. Manson and U. Muralidharan, A Single-Expression Formula for Inverting the Strain-Life and Strain-Stress Relationships, NASA CR-165347 (1981).
2. S.S. Manson, Thermal Stress in Design, Part 19, Cyclic Life of Ductile Materials, Machine Design (July 7, 1960) 139?144.
3. J. Morrow, in Cyclic Plastic Strain Energy and Fatigue of Metals, STP 378, American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia (1965) 45?87.
4. S.S. Manson, in Methods of Predicting Material Life in Fatigue, ASME (1979) 145?183.
5. S.S. Manson, Journal of Fatigue of Engineering Materials and Structures 1 (1979) 37?57.