1. Evison, F.F. (1951), A New Approach to the Study of Elastic Propagation in Rocks, Monthly Notices Roy. Astr. Soc. 6, 209–221.
2. Evison, F.F. (1952), The Inadequacy of the Standard Seismic Techniques for Shallow Surveying, Geophysics 17, 867–875.
3. Evison, F.F. (1953), An Improved Electromechanical Seismic Source Tested in Shattered Rock, New Zealand J. Sci. Tech.. B, General section 35, 4–13.
4. Evison, F.F. (1954), Early Arrivals in Seismic Prospecting, Nature 173, 1047.
5. Evison, F.F. (1955), A Coal Seam as a Guide for Seismic Energy, Nature 176, 1224–1225. Reprinted in Coal Geophysics, Geophysics Reprint Series No. 6, (eds. Buchanan, D.J. and Jackson, L.J.) (Soc. Exploration Geophysicists 1986), pp. 278–280.