1. A. Arnold andM. Dauchet, Transductions de forets regulieres monadiques; forets coregulieres,RAIRO 10 (1976), 5–28.
2. P. R. J. Asveld, Controlled iteration grammars and full hyper-AFL's,Memoradum 114, Technical University Twente, Holland, 1976.
3. B. S. Baker, Tree transductions and families of tree languages, Ph.D. Thesis, Harvard University,Report TR-9-73, 1973 (also:5th Theory of Computing, 200–206).
4. K. Čulik II andR. Cohen, LR-regular grammars—an extension of LR(k) grammars,JCSS 7 (1973), 66–96.
5. P. J. Downey, Tree transducers andETOL tree systems (abstract),Conference on Formal Languages, Automata and Development, Noordwijkerhout, Holland, 1975.