1. A. MALLIASIS and D. T. TURNER,J. Appl. Phys. 42 (1971) 514.
2. N. VEDA and M. TAYA, in Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Composite Materials ICCM-V, San Diego, California, August 1985, p. 1727.
3. S. FERIDOONIAN, MSc thesis, Brunel University, 1986.
4. S. FERIDOONIAN, B. BRIDGE and N. J. FOLKES, (to be submitted for publication).
5. B. BRIDGE, M. J. FOLKES and H. JAHANKHANI, in Proceedings of the Conference on Advanced Materials, University of Warwick, 22–25 September 1987 (Institute of Physics Conference Series, Hilger and Watts) (to be published).