1. F. N. COGSWELL, 28th SAMPE, National Symposium, Anaheim, California (1983) p. 528.
2. A. J. KINLOCH, “Adhesion and Adhesives: Science and Technology” (Chapman and Hall, London, 1987).
3. A. J. KINLOCH and C. M. TAIG,J. Adhesion 21 (1987) 291.
4. J. A. PEACKOCK, B. FIFE, E. NIELD and C. Y. BARLOW, in “Composite Interfaces”, edited by H. Ishida and J. L. Koenig, (North-Holland, New York, 1986) p. 143.
5. A. J. KINLOCH, G. K. A. KODOKIAN and J. F. WATTS, to be published.