The influence of trophic status and seasonal environmental variability on morpho-functional traits in tropical man-made shallow lakes


Vanderley Rayane F.ORCID,Becker Vanessa,Panosso Renata,Ger Kemal A.,Padisák Judit


AbstractIn the tropics, seasons are delimitated by the extent of rainfall resulting in seasonal differences in water parameters shaping phytoplankton community dynamics. Dry periods can intensify eutrophication and often result in seasonal or even perennial cyanobacterial dominance. This study was developed to evaluate phytoplankton response to trophic state and seasonal differences of environmental filters (dry and rainy periods) using the morphology-based functional groups (MBFG) approach. We also aimed at identifying environmental thresholds of each MBFG dominance in six man-made lakes located in the tropical semiarid region of Brazil. Our results showed clear MBFG association with lakes’ trophic states. The dominant groups in mesotrophic conditions were members of MBFGs V (unicellular flagellates) and VI (non-flagellated with a siliceous exoskeleton), and in meso-eutrophic MBFG IV (medium size without specialized traits) dominated. Conversely, MBFG VII (with mucilage and aerotopes) and VIII (nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria) dominated mostly under eutrophic conditions, though linked to shallower euphotic zones. Light and phosphorous were the most important environmental thresholds associated with MBFG’s dominance. Overall, most of the lakes displayed seasonal differences in environmental filters. In contrast to what was expected, the rainy season was associated with higher nutrients, suspended solids, and reduced euphotic depth compared to the dry season. Our results, overall, show that the effects of seasonality varied across lakes and highlight eutrophication as the main environmental factor for MBFG selection suggesting reduced seasonality effects during dry years in the tropics.


Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior

Nemzeti Kutatási Fejlesztési és Innovációs Hivatal

Új Nemzeti Kiválóság Program, Felsőoktatási Doktori Hallgatói Kutatói Ösztöndíj

Stipendium Hungaricum

University of Pannonia


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law,Pollution,General Environmental Science,General Medicine

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