1. Dushman, The Scientific Foundations of Vacuum Technique. New York (1949), p. 350.
2. R. Keller and K. Schmitter, Beam storage with stochastic acceleration and improvement of a synchrocyclotron beam. CERN 58-13. R. Keller, L. Dick, and M. Fidecaro, Acceleration Stochastique dans un cyclotron de 5 Mev. Compt. rend. Acad. sci. Paris,248, 3154 (1959);
3. R. Keller, Experiments on stochastic acceleration. Intern. Conf. on High-Energy Accelerators, CERN (1959), p. 187; R. Keller, L. Dick, and M. Fidecaro, Les essais d'acceleration stochastique dans le synchrocyclotron de 600 MeV et leur interpretation. CERN 60-43.
4. V. Danilov, et al., Proc. International Accelerator Conf. Dubna, Aug. 21?27, 1963. Moscow. Atom press [in Russian] (1964), p. 591.
5. J. Lawson, On the possibility of increasing the output of a synchro-cyclotron by means of a central high voltage Dee. AERE Report M 542 (1959).