1. J.F. Adams, Lectures on generalised cohomology, in Lecture Notes in Mathematics, vol. 99 (1969), Springer-Verlag Berlin-Heidelberg-New York.
2. _____, Quaillen's work on formal groups and complex cobordism, Lecture notes, University of Chicago, 1970.
3. _____ and A.Liulevicius, The Hurewicz homomorphism for MU and BP. (To appear.)
4. E.H. Brown, Jr. and F.P. Peterson, A spectrum whose Zp cohomology is the algebra of reduced p-th powers, Topology 5 (1966), 149–154.
5. J. de Carvalho, F.Clausen, A.Liulevicius and P.Norlamo, Generators for π*(MU) and π*(BP). (In preparation.)