1. T. Sugama, L. E. Kukacka andB. G. Galen, in Proceedings of Annual Meeting of Geothermal Resources Council, Palm Springs, California, September, 1986.
2. M. Martin, Proceedings of the 3rd International Seminar of EC Geothermal Energy Research, Munich, Germany, November 1983, p. 447.
3. N. Iwasaki andY. Tomiyana, Review of the 30th General Meeting of the Cement Association, Japan, (1976) p. 213.
4. B. D. Barnes, S. Diamond andW. L. Dolch,Cem. Concr. Res. 8 (1978) 233.
5. L. Struble, J. Skalny andS. Mindess,ibid. 10 (1980) 277.