1. J. Kučera and M. Hajduga,Oxid. Met. 17, 363 (1992).
2. P. Pascal (Director),Nouveau Traité de Chimie Minérale, tome XVII (Masson, Paris, 1967), p. 4.
3. H. Remy,Lehrbuch der anorganischen Chemie, Bd. II (SNTL Praha, 1972), p. 288 (Czech translation).
4. International Centre for Diffraction Data,Selected Powder Diffraction Data for Metals and Alloys, Vol. I. S. Weissmann, ed., 1978.
5. L. I. Mirkin,Handbook of X-Ray Analysis of Polycrystalline Materials (State Publishing House, Fys.-Mat. Publ., Moscow, 1961) (in Russian).