1. K. Fong, IEEE Trans. Antenna Propagation,AP-16, No. 1, 138 (1968).
2. R. Caldcutt, P. Boulay, and D. Mayen, Zarubezhnaya Radioélektronika, No. 3, 31 (1971).
3. V. L. Ginzburg, Propagation of Electromagnetic Waves in Plasmas, Pergamon (1971).
4. Yu. A. Kravtsov, A. I. Kugushev and A. V. Chernykh, Zh. Éksp. Teor. Fiz.,59, No. 6, 2160 (1970).
5. S. I. Braginskii, in: Reviews of Plasma Physics, Vol. 1, Consultants Bureau, New York (1965).