1. (Belgium) Royal Decree number 78 of 11 November 1967 concerning the exercise of the healthcare professions and Royal Decree of 1 February 1991 concerning the exercise of the profession of midwife; (France) Public Health Code (Decree no. 53-1001 of 5 October) and Code of ethics for midwives; (the Netherlands) Law on individual healthcare professions of 11 November 1993 and Decree of 3 July 2008 on the education and expertise of the midwife; (competences midwife) article 42 of the EU Directive 2005/36/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 7 September 2005 on the recognition of professional qualifications
2. (Belgium) Federal Knowledge Centre of health care (2010) Report 139A Guideline for good clinical practice in low-risk deliveries. https://kce.fgov.be/sites/default/files/page_documents/kce_139a_richtlijn_laag_risico_bevalling.pdf . Accessed 20 June 2014; (France) For example recommendation 65 on high-risk pregnancies (December 2009) and recommendation 47 on inducing labour (April 2008). http://www.has-sante.fr/portail/jcms/c_1101438/fr/tableau-des-recommandations-de-bonne-pratique and clinical recommendations on http://www.cngof.asso.fr ; (the Netherlands) Commission Obstetrics of the College for health insurances (2003) Obstetric Vademecum. http://www.nvog.nl/vakinformatie/Informatie/Verloskundig+Vademecum.aspx . Accessed 20 June 2014
3. Representative professional organizations are: the Belgian Midwives Association, www.belgianmidwives.be and the Association of Belgian obstetricians and gynecologists, http://www.vbs-gbs.org/nl/specialismen/gynaecologie/
4. The French midwives are united by the National College of Midwives (Collège National des Sages-femmes), www.cnsf.asso.fr ; The ‘Collège National des Gynécologues et Obstétriciens Français’ is the association of the French medical gynecologists and obstetricians, www.cngof.asso.fr
5. The Royal Dutch Association of Midwives represents the Dutch midwives, www.knov.nl and the Dutch Association of obstetrics and gynecology represents the Dutch obstetricians, www.nvog.nl