AbstractThis paper develops an in-depth treatment concerning the problem of approximating the Gaussian smoothing and the Gaussian derivative computations in scale-space theory for application on discrete data. With close connections to previous axiomatic treatments of continuous and discrete scale-space theory, we consider three main ways of discretizing these scale-space operations in terms of explicit discrete convolutions, based on either (i) sampling the Gaussian kernels and the Gaussian derivative kernels, (ii) locally integrating the Gaussian kernels and the Gaussian derivative kernels over each pixel support region, to aim at suppressing some of the severe artefacts of sampled Gaussian kernels and sampled Gaussian derivatives at very fine scales, or (iii) basing the scale-space analysis on the discrete analogue of the Gaussian kernel, and then computing derivative approximations by applying small-support central difference operators to the spatially smoothed image data.We study the properties of these three main discretization methods both theoretically and experimentally and characterize their performance by quantitative measures, including the results they give rise to with respect to the task of scale selection, investigated for four different use cases, and with emphasis on the behaviour at fine scales. The results show that the sampled Gaussian kernels and the sampled Gaussian derivatives as well as the integrated Gaussian kernels and the integrated Gaussian derivatives perform very poorly at very fine scales. At very fine scales, the discrete analogue of the Gaussian kernel with its corresponding discrete derivative approximations performs substantially better. The sampled Gaussian kernel and the sampled Gaussian derivatives do, on the other hand, lead to numerically very good approximations of the corresponding continuous results, when the scale parameter is sufficiently large, in most of the experiments presented in the paper, when the scale parameter is greater than a value of about 1, in units of the grid spacing. Below a standard deviation of about 0.75, the derivative estimates obtained from convolutions with the sampled Gaussian derivative kernels are, however, not numerically accurate or consistent, while the results obtained from the discrete analogue of the Gaussian kernel, with its associated central difference operators applied to the spatially smoothed image data, are then a much better choice.
Royal Institute of Technology
Springer Science and Business Media LLC
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